Is Eviction the Only Way to H和le Tenants With Delinquent Rents? -文章横幅

When tenants are late paying rent, you need to take immediate action. That immediate action does not necessarily mean eviction, however. 有一个法律程序需要遵循, even while you are following the necessary steps towards eviction, you can work things out with your tenant to ensure the rent gets paid or alternative arrangements are made. 

加州的驱逐问题仍然很复杂. 为 租赁财产 业主们,这既耗时又昂贵. 基于这些原因,这应该是你最后的选择. Eviction is absolutely necessary when your tenants refuse to communicate or come into compliance. 但, if you can work something out with them, we recommend you consider other options. 

Let’s take a look at other possible ways to h和le tenants with delinquent rents. 


一旦房租拖欠,就和租客联系. 这可能是个疏忽. It’s possibly a case of your tenant needing a little more time. 

遵循ing your rent collection policy consistently is important. 然而, if the late rent is simply a matter of the otherwise responsible tenant not having the full payment amount yet, 想办法解决问题. 也许他们可以现在付一半,两周后付一半. 

When your tenant is willing to talk with you about what’s going on, 和 you feel good about their ability to continue paying rent, agreeing to a payment arrangement can be a benefit for both parties. 

一定要把协议写成书面形式. 具体说明 报酬是多少 现在和何时将支付其余款项. Note clearly in the payment agreement that if any payments are missed, you will evict. 

Sign the agreement 和 follow up with your tenants as payments are due until they are completely caught up.

Consider Canceling the Lease Agreement 和 Collecting Keys

Maybe your tenant simply will not be able to pay the rent. 如果发生了意想不到的事情, such as a job loss or a divorce or a medical issue or some other financial catastrophe from which they do not expect to recover, paying the rent this month is the least of their problems. They won’t be able to pay next month either, or the month after that. 

When both you 和 your tenants can agree that it’s necessary for them to move out, it’s acceptable to cancel the lease agreement 和 let them out of their obligation. This allows you both to avoid the drama, expense, 和 frustration of eviction. You can agree on a move-out date 和 immediately begin getting the property ready to re-rent.

这对你来说不太理想, 谁会损失一点钱, 或者你的租户, 谁会失去家园. 但, 从长远来看, it’s more cost-effective 和 less stressful for everyone than a drawn-out court process.


Even if you’re establishing a payment agreement or working with your tenants to get the rent paid, you want to protect yourself 和 hold onto your right to evict. 即使加州有严格的正当理由驱逐法, 你可以开除不付房租的房客. 

以防万一,下面是要遵循的流程. Make sure your tenants know that you’re not planning to evict them, 你还是想解决问题. 帮助他们理解这些 保护措施到位 以防你最终付不出房租.

  • 发出三天内付款或辞职通知

You’ll want to review your lease agreement before you do anything. 在那里, you’ll see your rent collection policy which hopefully includes information on late fees, 恩典时期, 以及拖欠房租的后果. 

提交并送达三天内付款或退出通知. Do this even if you agree to accept the rent later because it will keep the process moving if your tenant doesn’t hold up his or her part of the bargain. 

The Three Day Notice gives your tenant three days to pay the rent or move out of the property. In our experience, most tenants will catch up with the payment before the end of the three days. 如果没有,你就必须进入下一步. 

  • 提起非法拘留诉讼

After the three business days come 和 go without payment or a notification that the tenants have moved out, you’ll need to go to the court 和 file for an eviction, 法律上所说的非法拘留是什么.

你不需要有法律代表 提起诉讼,但我们强烈推荐. 如果你还没有 维萨利亚mg冰球突破豪华版试玩公司咨询专门从事驱逐法的律师. It’s very easy to make an expensive mistake, 和 you don’t want to start the whole process over. 

At the courthouse, you’ll file the required paperwork 和 pay a fee. A court date will be set, 和 your tenants will be informed. Sometimes, tenants will come up with the rent 和 the eviction will be called off. Or, they’ll move out of the property 和 you can get it back. 

如果驱逐问题闹上法庭的话, 租户来了, the judge may require both parties to attempt a mediation. 如果这不起作用, the court will hear both sides of the eviction case 和 if you can prove the simple fact that rent has not been paid, 你将得到判决. 然后, you’ll get a Writ of Possession 和 the tenants will be given a date by which they must vacate the home. 

在最坏的情况下, the tenants won’t move out 和 you’ll need to summon the sheriff to physically remove them 和 their property. 

在驱逐过程中有很多变数. 这就是为什么尽量避免它如此重要的原因. 

Work with your tenants when you believe rent can eventually be paid. Have a serious conversation about canceling the lease agreement, 如果他们认为自己永远无法赶上. 

咨询物业经理无论你打算走什么路线,一定要咨询一下 专业维萨利亚物业经理 在你采取任何行动之前. We can refer you to an attorney if necessary or help you work things out with your tenant. mg冰球突破豪华版试玩在股权集团的团队.