在加州维萨利亚住房短缺期间,房东如何保持竞争力? - Article Banner

The Visalia housing market has some serious supply constraints. Whether you’re buying or renting, 你可能已经注意到,在许多最受欢迎的社区,需求仍然超过供应. 

Things are beginning to even out, however, 许多出租物业业主已经注意到,市场对租户的竞争减弱了. There are more residents willing to move out, and the high rental prices 随着生活成本的上涨,越来越多的人进入室友和几代同堂的家庭. 

房东需要更具竞争力——在吸引和留住优秀租户方面. Even in the midst of a housing shortage. 

As property managers in Visalia 凭借对市场趋势和租户需求的深刻理解,以下是我们的建议. 

Focus on Tenant Retention in Visalia and The Surrounding Areas

保持竞争力和盈利需要你留住优秀的员工. When you don’t have to worry about vacancy and turnover costs, you’re saving money and providing stability for your property. There’s less danger in having to navigate an uncertain rental market

To retain your tenants, we recommend sound maintenance policies, good tenant relationships, and an easy and convenient rental experience. 

Every landlord, by now, 必须明白,在维护方面,响应是至关重要的. Emergencies will obviously require your immediate attention, 但是你也应该用一种紧迫感来处理日常的维修请求. 尽量在一周或两周内完成日常维护请求. 

When you respond quickly to maintenance requests, 你的病人会觉得你很认真地对待他们,你关心他们的舒适和幸福. 租户离开出租物业的主要原因之一是没有及时进行维修. Don’t lose tenants this way; make the repairs quickly. 它不仅能留住租户,还能保护你的投资状况. This is an excellent way to remain competitive. 租客不会愿意冒险搬到一个坏房东的房子里. 如果你提供了很好的维护,他们就会和你在一起.

You also want to develop a good relationship with your tenant. 这并不意味着你应该模糊职业界限,成为最好的朋友,请他们过来吃饭. Set your own boundaries and keep a professional distance. However, you should know who they are and who their families are. 在个人层面上了解他们,并对他们的需求做出回应. They should feel like more than a rent check.

你还想提供技术和其他便利,让你的租户受益. 作为一个私人业主,你没有我们作为Visalia所拥有的资源 property managers. But, 你仍然可以通过电子方式收取租金,这样他们就不必写一张支票然后寄给你了. 你可以通过电子邮件收集维护请求,这样它们就会被记录下来. You can be available, accessible, and responsive to their needs.

每个人都应该得到尊严和尊重,你的房客也不例外. Your residents want to live in a home they can be proud of, 你可以通过不让你的投资房产年久失修来帮助实现这一目标. 

Provide a great rental experience for your residents. 你会很容易留住他们,并确保你的房产在任何市场上都保持竞争力. 

Invest in Property Updates and Upgrades 

Tenant demands are shifting. 他们中的许多人现在在家工作,所以他们可能正在寻找具有强大科技功能的房屋. Security is more of a concern than ever before, 所以他们可能更愿意租一个有报警系统或视频门铃的房子. 

An attractive, modern home is always competitive. 愿意投资升级和更新,这将有助于你的家在租赁市场上脱颖而出. 你可以做的一些最好和最具成本效益的更新包括:

  • Fresh paint. This is an easy way to make your rental property look brand new. 墙壁保持中性色,可以考虑蛋壳色、灰褐色和灰白色. 盖住任何小钉孔,注意装饰和踢脚板. 把它们涂上真的会让房间变得流行,给它带来你希望得到的干净、现代的感觉. 
  • 更换地毯,或者更好的是,考虑投资硬地板. Some types of vinyl look great and don’t cost a lot. Faux hardwoods are also popular. These are cleaner and easier for tenants to maintain. You’ll also have a longer lifespan, 也就是说你不用在每次租户换人的时候清洗和更换地毯了. 
  • Make minor changes to kitchens and bathrooms. New fixtures, tile backsplashes, 更新的照明都有很大的不同,帮助你在寻找租户和设定租金时保持更强的竞争力.

Stay Competitive with Reasonable Rental Values

Price of PropertyThe price of your property is what will make it most competitive. 

Pay attention to the market, 并确保你的价格在你出租的房产类型的正常范围内, the neighborhood you’re in, and the competing homes on the market. 

在续租期间也要考虑到这一点,当你要涨房租的时候. A higher rent is typical when the lease renews, and most tenants in Visalia will expect a higher rent, 即使他们租的是受租金管制法管辖的房子. 研究一下市场,然后明智地决定你的要价是多少. 

Price your property just below market rents. 看起来你在赔钱,但从长远来看,你真的没有.  You’re staying competitive, you’re attracting and retaining great tenants, and you’re not losing money on long vacancies and high turnovers. Be proud of this. 不要害怕让你的租客知道你的租金低于市场需求. 租客喜欢从你的关系和他们的财产中获得价值. 他们可能已经算过了,认为搬出去对他们来说只会更贵. 

我们可以看一下您的房产,并就如何使您和您的房产更具竞争力提出一些个性化的建议. 让我们来谈谈市场,以及你如何才能最好地定位自己. Contact us at The Equity Group.