
你可能是加州最有经验的房地产投资者之一. It’s still possible to make a mistake. 如果你是一个新的投资者或者你恰好是一个房东, it’s even easier to make an error. 你可能误解了你的租客的资格,或者对你出租的房子的维护预算不足.

As professional Visalia property managers我们经常看到房东一次又一次地犯同样的错误. Sometimes, they’re costly errors that reduce your rental income and eat into your ROI. 

Have you made any of these common mistakes? 你了解后果和他们可能对你的整个投资经历造成的损害吗? 

Let’s identify the easy errors first and help you avoid them.

Mistakes with California Rental Laws

你可能犯的一些最严重的错误可能会让你上法庭. 法律上的错误几乎总是不了解国家的结果, federal, and local rental laws. When you’re renting out a property in California, you need to understand rent control, security deposit laws, eviction laws, and habitability standards. 


  • Fair housing missteps

加州的公平住房法实际上比联邦公平住房法更严格. 确保你知道受保护的类别,了解宠物和mg冰球突破豪华版试玩动物之间的区别. If you don’t know the first thing about fair housing, 你可能会被处以数千美元的罚款. You could be sued by a tenant. Get to know what fair housing means and how these laws are applied to rental homes. 甚至你的营销材料也必须避免可能被视为歧视性的特定语言. 

  • Security deposit laws

你可以收取的费用是有限制的(没有装修的房子是两个月的租金),你需要遵守的退还押金的时间(搬出后21天)。. 还有必要知道你能从押金中扣除什么,不能从押金中扣除什么. 如果你犯了押金错误,租户可以起诉你,要求最高1万美元的赔偿. Don’t find yourself embroiled in such a dispute. 把所有的东西都记录下来,确保你只扣除你能证明的损失.

  • Rent control and eviction

California has strict rent control laws statewide, and there are also particularities when it comes to eviction, and whether you’re tossing a tenant out for cause. 首先,你需要知道你的财产是否受这些法律的约束. Find out, and comply accordingly.

Pricing Mistakes Are Costly

你的房产的租金价值很大程度上取决于市场,而且很多 landlords make the mistake 无视市场,根据他们认为的价值或他们想要的收入来给他们的房子定价. 


把你的房产定价过低意味着把钱留在桌子上. 这也很危险,因为你可能很难赶上市场租金. 

Pricing your property too high means a longer vacancy period. 找到愿意以过高的价格出租你的房子的人需要更长的时间, 你可能会发现,在你降低要价找到租客之前,你已经损失了整整一个月的租金. 

看看你附近有哪些类似的房子正在出租. Price your home competitively to avoid those long vacancies, but price it profitably too, 这样你就不会在房客签了租约后就赔钱了. 

Choosing Unqualified Visalia Tenants 

So many mistakes can be made when you’re screening tenants. 

一些房东忘记提供一套标准的资格标准. 其他人则关注信用评分,而不是通过信用报告来了解完整的财务状况. 

大多数情况下,房东不会对申请人的资质进行彻底的评估. 简单地进行信用检查,然后根据信用评分批准或拒绝租户是错误的. 

不合格的租户可能导致拖欠或拖欠租金,驱逐和财产损失. Don’t make the mistake of placing the wrong tenant. Screen carefully and consistently, 从全国驱逐报告到收入,再到租房历史,都要查一遍. 

Deferred and Unreported Maintenance

您需要制定预防、紧急和日常维护的计划. This needs to be a priority for you, 如果您没有立即响应维修需求或采取预防性措施来维护您的财产,则可能会发生错误. 


Don’t let deferred maintenance become an issue. 立即修复这些小问题,不管它们对你来说有多小. 向租户强调立即提出维修要求的重要性. 你不希望他们因为觉得没什么大不了而隐瞒一些事情. 

Visalia Property Management 

Multi-taskingAnother common mistake? Trying to do everything on your own.

The do-it-yourself energy is great for so many things, but not for leasing, managing, and maintaining your rental property. When it comes to protecting your income and your investment, you need a property management professional. 这将对你的租赁体验和收入产生显著的影响.  

Don’t make the mistake of trying to do everything yourself. You don’t have to. Leverage the expertise that local Visalia property managers have. We know the market, we know the tenants in this market, 我们知道如何让您和您的财产获得成功. 

这些只是我们看到房东在出租房屋时常犯的一些错误. 避免他们的最好方法是与合格的Visaliamg冰球突破豪华版试玩公司合作. 我们可以通过避开这些常见的——通常是昂贵的——错误来帮助你赚得更多,花得更少. Please contact us at The Equity Group for more information.